One day, says the legend, there was a big fire in the forest. All of the animals were terrified and shocked, and watched the disaster helplessly.
Only the little hummingbird got busy, and went off to look for a few drops with his beak to throw it onto the fire.
After a while the armadillo, annoyed by this derisory activity, said to him “Hummingbird! Are you crazy? You won’t put out the fire with these drops of water!”
And the hummingbird replied, “I know, but I’m doing my share.”
American Indian legend
Only the little hummingbird got busy, and went off to look for a few drops with his beak to throw it onto the fire.
After a while the armadillo, annoyed by this derisory activity, said to him “Hummingbird! Are you crazy? You won’t put out the fire with these drops of water!”
And the hummingbird replied, “I know, but I’m doing my share.”
American Indian legend
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From English and German into French. Translations are invoiced, by agreement, on the basis of the rates in the area of literary translation. --- Curious by nature and in love with words, my favorite genres are : Poetry Theater Tales Children's Literature Fantasy Feel Good (Nobody is perfect !) And “non-classifiable” artworks ;-) |
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